Rental Assistance
Our Family Development team works to empower families by providing resources to solve your immediate needs. Assistance may come in the form of food, bus tokens, rent or deposit assistance, clothing vouchers, hotel vouchers, transportation assistance, furniture vouchers, utility assistance, etc.
To see if you qualify for assistance, complete this client application. Please review these instructions prior to applying.
How to Sign Up Online
Community Action Services and Food Bank uses an information Kiosk for the first part of its client application process. Please review these instructions prior to applying.
Step 1: Create account by clicking New User button and proceeding to enter email and password.

Step 2: Enter Household Information

Step 3: Enter Household Members
When prompted, select “Yes” if household member being entered will be the person applying to the program and “No” if not.

Step 4: Proceed to edit or remove existing household members, add additional household members, or proceed to enter income by clicking “Next.”
Complete household information and personal information for all members of the household.

Step 5: Enter Income (additional sources can be added after saving initial income)

Step 6: Apply for programs by clicking the link to the right of the applicable household member.
IMPORTANT: Programs such as food pantry, housing, utility assistance, etc. cover the entire household. For these programs, please only have the primary applicant apply.

Step 7: Submit requested documents based on applied programs by clicking blue upload link/button.
Here are the required documents that must be uploaded:
- Income verification for all members over 18
- Last 30 days of earned income
- Last 30 days of bank statements
- Benefit letters (SSDI / SSI)
- Child Support Letter
- W2(s) or previous tax return
- DWS Employer Verification Form (Form ESD 630)

Step 8: Complete survey if prompted, otherwise, proceed to Affirmation & Consent page.

Step 9: Save and complete at a later time or submit the application.
Your application will not be considered complete unless all information is completed and uploaded.
Please allow 3 business days for someone to follow-up with you as well. For any questions, please call Community Action Services and Food Bank at (385) 327-6116.